Sunday, October 26, 2008


A Hilarious Week

Oh, what a week to be without the blessed Internet available at my side. Hmm... I guess I could summarize the hilarity of the week with two short phrases; Ripped Pants and Cute Nipples.

The ripped pants story.
It was after a Judo practice where I was able to throw one of the sempai's twice, and they weren't pity throws. we were both tired, and he happened to make two mistakes I could capitalize on. Granted, he threw me like 15 times but still, I'm getting better. Anyway, back to the story of the ripped pants. We sit down to bow out and when the sensei sits, rippppp~! At first I thought it would be disrespectful to laugh, but then everybody cracked up, so it was tons of fun.

The cute nipples story.
So as some of you know, I take a class called "Japanese Culture". It's an elective, and one of the easiest classes I've ever had, It's all in Japanese, but all we do is talk about food and movies. So the other day we went to Kyoto for a Field Trip to a Traditional Candy making "factory". It's really just a shop, with an upstairs, where we were able to make some of our own candy (see video #3 Making it was tons of fun, but eating wasn't so much. The momiji one was tasty, but the others weren't so. Afterwards, we had a choice to make; we could either return home, or go to a temple. Because later on that night there was a Halloween Party, most of us returned home. Also there's temples all over the place in Japan. I'm sure one day, I'll be walking down the street, trip, and fall right into one. Originally, I decided not to spend extra money to buy a costume, but one outfit in a store grabbed my attention so hard, I couldn't resist shelling out about $20 for it. So we went to the Party, it was in a bar that my friend Yonetani had rented out for 3 hours of free Karaoke. Right when we got to the bar, I changed into my costume and hilarity ensued (see movie #4 As for the cute nipples thing, Someone came up to me and told me that. When you see the video, you will understand how they knew what my nipples looked like.

Oh and to wrap up this laugh-fest. I saw a grandma on a motorcycle, and a grandpa walking his parrot this morning. Unfortunately, he didn't have a leash, that would have been the greatest thing ever if he did though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude first of all sorry for not keeping up with the blog until now. as for the breaking moment, i hope it's been better and like charlie said it will only get better. As for the insanity that you've experienced that's hilarious and good luck with judo man. I have to look for a taiko club when i get to japan...Keep us posted and I'll write more as I find time